RIMBA is a non-profit organisation and an ecolodge working hand in hand to foster the development of a sustainable tourism.


Acquisition of 1.3 Ha of forest

We are proud to announce that the Rimba Non-profit Organisation has just acquired its 1st hectare of forest!

Donation: 2 notebooks for Rimba Non-Profit Organisation

Fabienne and Maur donate two laptops to our non-profit organisation ! A huge thank you to them ...

Rimba non-profit organisation is made official in Indonesia

Rimba non-profit organisation has just been officially legalized in Indonesia...

Donation : a new gong for a Mentawai clan

The non-profit organisation "Rencontres au Bout du Monde" supports "Rimba" NPO to finance a gong for the benefit of the Aman Tiru clan in Mentawai.

The mystery of the Rafflesia and the discovery of 10 other flowers !

The blooming of the Rafflesia in Rimba + 10 other Rafflesia identified + a unique discovery ! A complete article with a lot of pictures to read absolutely.

Discovery of a Rafflesia at Rimba !

Discover the Rafflesia and other flowers with some pictures.

Rimba in the press !

Publication of an article about Rimba in the magazine LEPETITJOURNAL.COM

Donation of 1000 euros for Rimba non-profit organisation !

The company Watson-Marlow France has donated us 1000 euros for our project of "Community Guesthouse" !

Rimba on the “Team Curious” blog.

Check out an article and pictures about Rimba on the Vi's blog "Team Curious".

The restaurant is getting a new look

Repair and expansion of the ecolodge restaurant.

Article about wildlife at Rimba

Discover in pictures the wildlife of Rimba by Olivier Horiot.

VIDEO : day trip to the waterfalls

Watch the video of the Doudoux about their day trip to the waterfalls of Sungai Pinang !

2 new VIDEOS about RIMBA !

Watch the 2 new videos of Rimba, on land and under water!

Videos/Pictures : Donation of school supplies 2017

The donation of school supplies 2017 in VIDEO and PICTURES....

New rooms !

The new rooms - Lumba lumba rooms - are ready to welcome you !

Trip Advisor : Certificate of Excellence 2017

Certificate of Excellence 2017 for the Rimba Ecolodge...

Camera trap : Porcupine and Mouse-deer

Unpublished pictures of a Sumatran Porcupine and a Lesser Mouse-deer, taken by camera trap at Rimba Ecolodge...

Rimba in the blog of “500 Days off”

Sofian and Ilse offer us a very nice article about Rimba in their blog "500 Days off" !

Rimba in the press !

Rimba Ecolodge in the magazine "Colours" of the Garuda Indonesia international airline (September 2016)...

Video : the Ecolodge and its surroudings

Vincent family offers us 3 videos about Rimba Ecolodge and its surroundings !

Distribution of school supplies in Sungai Pisang village

As part of the children's schooling assistance program, the RIMBA organization annualy distributes free school supplies...

6 new species of birds

Discover the 6 new species of birds identified at Rimba by Jérémy Gremion, Ornithologist...

New mammal identified

A Small-toothed Palm Civet (Arctogalidia trivirgata ssp. trivirgata) was identified on the area of Rimba...

Release of a Loris

This Loris was rescued by Rimba on July 9th after having lived 1 month in a tiny shelter...

Our replacements !

If you come at Rimba between June 10th and July 4th you will not find Nadège and Reno but their replacement...

New identified species : Sunda Colugo

A Sunda Colugo was identified in the area of Rimba by Yoan Braud, Entomologist during...
certificat d'excellence 2016 Tripadvisor.com

New article

A new article about Rimba is published on ISTANIA website : Istania…

A new support

We are very pleased to announce you that the RIMBA ORGANIZATION…

Release of a Buffy Fish-Owl

On the 1st September, in Bungus…




Founder & Director

30 years old

Native of Sungai Pinang

(West Sumatra – Indonesia)



In charge of rooms

21 years old

Native of Sungai Pinang

(West Sumatra – Indonesia)



In charge of kitchen & restaurant

23 years old

Native of Sungai Pinang

(West Sumatra – Indonesia)



Founder & Director

30 years old

Native of Montpellier (France)



In charge of kitchen & restaurant

22 years old

Native of Sungai Pinang

(West Sumatra – Indonesia)



In charge of green spaces and buildings

23 years old

Native of Sungai Pinang

(West Sumatra – Indonesia)



In charge of green spaces and buildings

20 years old

Native of Sungai Pinang

(West Sumatra – Indonesia)